TRM Technologies

Complete support and training for your wired and wireless PC, network and technology needs.  Serving Delaware, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Southern New Jersey


Our services include:

  • Wired and wireless network design, installation, service and repair.
  • Rolling wireless carts to put computers near machinery in manufacturing areas so that operators can see plans and instructions while still meeting safety procedures and keeping wires out of the way.
  • Experienced network administration and engineering.
  • Emergency support at all hours since it always breaks at the least convenient times.
  • Backup systems and plans for your important data.
  • User training so that you can get the most out of your computer and network dollars.
  • Custom system design, build and installation services to ensure that your PCs do what you want them to.
  • Consulting services to see that the solutions that vendors are pitching to you will actually solve your problems in the most efficient and sensible way.
  • Process and procedure documentation so that your computer users can see how to do what they need to do and then get on with their job.
  • Web page design, hosting and analysis of your current or planned web presence.
  • Custom programming and application development including databases, web forms and inventory systems.
  • Server and PC upgrades, operating system updates and patches, service packs and system analysis by experienced technicians.
  • Repair and correction of bad installations, glitchy networks and faulty systems.
  • Technology inventory and asset management services.

Information Request Form

Select the items that apply, and then let us know how to contact you.



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Last modified: 10/14/04